dijous, 19 de maig del 2016

My trip to Italy

My trip to Italy

Hi my name is Mariona and today I’m going to talk about my trip to Italy.

The first day we caught a bus and we went to the airport in Barcelona. There, we took our flight to Milano. Once we were in Italy, we got into a bus and we went to Sirmione. We ate our first 100% Italian pizza at one restaurant called Erica, and let me tell you... it was not that good. After that, we caught a bus with destination Verona. When we were there, we visited the famous Arena but we could not be able to visit the middle part of the monument where, a log time ago gladiators fought, because they were doing some constructions. The second day we went to Venecia and we visited the St Marco's Basilica and the Piazza San Marco. It was better than what I pictured, I'll never forget that beautiful monument. Although I visited Venecia years ago, everything surprised me as the first day! The third day in morining we took a train to Florence. When we were there, we went to our hotel called Maxims and we left our equipage. In the afternoon, we visited the beautiful city and we had free time to buy some souvenirs. The fourth day in the morning we visited the Uffizi Art Gallary. It was incredible to see those wonderful paintings! We also visited the Florence Cathedral and we had to go up 463 stairs! To be honest... it was exhausting but it was definitly worth it. The last day we went to Lucca and we visited the country. In the afternoon we went to Pisa and we visited the famous Leaning Tower, it was amazing! And of course, we took the famous photo 'holding' the Tower. In the night we took our flight to Barcelona and we finally arrived at home at 4:00 a.m! We were exhausted but this trip was fantastic because we had nice moments together and a lot of things that were fun too.

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